Stephen Marc Alexander donated a large canvas and sets of notecards. Amazing variety of subjects and, as you can see, a talented artist.
Lennox Auto Glass and Detail donated a full detail for the Thankful Thursday auction. Whose car doesn’t need it after a long summer?
For that end of summer boost, Pam’s Place donated a mani and pedi;
Carrie Porter donated a half hour massage;
and Cyndi’s Skin Care Plus donated a pedi!
Deb Horton donated a handcrafted copper pot from Egypt. Along with that La Fleur donated a $25. gift certificate. Now, the perfect centerpiece can be made!
Thanks to the Bicycle Station, someone is going to stay safe!
Come and bid on this Andorra Bike Helmet (size L) at Thankful Thursday, September 14th!
Something for your next Labor Day a 5-burner Nexgrill generously donated by Home Depot! Make plans to come enjoy Thankful Thursday on September 14th. Lots of fun games, 50-50 raffle, silent auction along with a live auction.
Another donation for September 14 Thankful Thursday! at 443 Vanderbilt was so generous! There are some great products to try out. Hope to see everyone next week!
Thank you to Burri Jewelers for your donation to our Thankful Thursday auction.
Thank you Red Lobster for your gift certificate donated to our Thankful Thursday auction.
Thank you Rib & Chop House for your gift certificate donated to our Thankful Thursday auction.
Outback Steakhouse gift certificates will be at Thankful Thursday for you! Stop by to bid!
Kurgo stepped up immediately when asked to donate an item for this fall’s thankful Thursday. What an amazing company!
The great folks at Grand Targhee Resort sent two adult day passes for the Thankful Thursday auction. Hopefully after the dog days of summer, you’ll be ready for some powder.
Another option for a perfect vacation! South Point Hotel, Casino & Spa has sent two-night, three-day stay, along with dinner for two AND two show tickets! Be ready to bid, win, and then enjoy-Thankful Thursday, September 14th.
http://www.samstownlv.com/- Thank you! Another trip option for the bidding at Thankful Thursday on September 14th! 4.2 stars with thousands of reviews!
What an amazing company! So generous, and from what I hear fantastic optics. Immediately, they responded to our donation letter by sending these binoculars. Someone is going to be really happy at thankful Thursday, September 14th!
Freshpet send a roomy fanny pack and four coupons to help out with Thankful Thursday, September 14th.
When my oldest hound, Teke, lost his appetite due to a medication change, I used Freshpet to keep him eating. I have a ‘fridge full to keep him going. He can’t wait for his meals now with Freshpet.
Zuke’s sent the perfect package for just loving your dog or special training treats.
There is something for every dog’s taste, although I am sure my dogs would love them all.
Be ready to bid for these at Thankful Thursday, September 14th!
Even more amazing arrivals today! 1-800 Pet Meds pulled out all the stops! They generously sent a multifunction pet remote monitor, smart antibacterial bowl, along with a FIT P2 activity and sleep monitor. Not only will your dog have truly clean water, but the pup will have no secrets! You will be able to keep an eye on them remotely and even track their activity.
Great items for bidding September 14th. We hope to see you there supporting your local canine search and rescue.
Thank you to PetHub for sending 4 $25 gift cards to CCCSAR for our Thankful Thursday fundraiser!
Thank you to Best Bully Sticks for thinking of CCCSAR!
Thank you to Bark Box for supporting CCCSAR! Your dog will thank you, if you purchase this box at Thankful Thursday.
Thank you to Double U Hunting for supporting CCCSAR with clothing for the Thankful Thursday auction.
Thank you to First Gold Hotel in Deadwood for supporting CCCSAR! Come to Thankful Thursday for a chance to win a free night for 2 guests.
Thank you to Johnny Z’s for supporting CCCSAR!
Thank you to Vetericyn, our most recent Thankful Thursday sponsor.
Thank you to Frontier Vet Clinic for donating two certificates for annual exams with vaccines! Great way to take care of your own dog.
Time to take care of your car? Be sure and bid on a bucket of car-care products donated by Advance Auto Parts. A big thank you to them!
More support from fellow “dog people”-can’t wait for the fall Thankful Thursday event. These great folks at Gun Dog Supply are sending five $25. gift cards for their merchandise.
Start making your wish list – www.gundogsupply.com.
Thanks to Tuff Jeans for their generous donation to our fall Thankful Thursday. Surprise is in store-in the meantime, check their jeans out at Murdoch’s.
No justice to these blingy tees/hoodies in sizes S-XL!
How generous! Wind River Hotel and Casino is sending surprises for the fall Thankful Thursday auction.
Head on out to Riverton to give them your support and have a great time! www.windriverhotelandcasino.com
Rick A.Beverley, DDS LLC
Thank you for your generous donation to CCCSAR! We will put it to good use.
More local kindness in support of our Thankful Thursday this fall- Riverbend Nursery on Yellowstone has donated a gift card for the auction. It will be perfect for that fall planting!
Thank you, Elitch Gardens Theme and Water Park, for your donation of two day passes. We can’t wait to auction them off at our Thankful Thursday! http://www.elitchgardens.com/
Another big shout out to the helpful folks at our local Murdoch’s for their donation for the fall Thankful Thursday auction. They have always been supportive, not only of CCCSAR but other local charities!
MANY THANKS for the generosity of those at Petsafe! They have already donated items for the upcoming fall Thankful Thursday. All my dogs wear their break-away collars, just another reason I am thankful for this great company! http://www.petsafe.net One of my personal favorites; I love their breakaway collars that keep my dogs safe when playing rough. This fine company donated toys, a clicker set, and big dog water fountain!
Thank you Thankful Thursday for selecting us for the charity auction and we have been starting to get donations! We truly appreciate everything you’ve done for us.
How incredibly generous once again, all our supporters at Walmart Superstore #1315! You will never know how much we truly appreciate your help.
Congratulations to our new Walmart! We truly appreciate their generous donation to CCCSAR, which will help in funding necessary equipment and training.
Thank you Walmart #1315 Employees! Your generous donation will help with unexpected boat repairs and get us back on the water.
Microchips. Recovery. Giving Back.
Join the millions of responsible pet owners who, since 1995, have microchipped and enrolled their pets in the AKC Companion Animal Recovery (AKC CAR) recovery service. AKC CAR is an affiliate of the American Kennel Club® and the nation’s largest not-for-profit pet identification and 24/7 recovery service provider.
Whether it is identifying your pet with a microchip or collar tag; assisting in the recovery of a lost pet; or managing our Canine Support and Relief Fund which gives back to the greater pet community, helping pets is all that we do. http://www.akccar.org/
CCCSAR gives sincere thanks to AKC/CAR grants for its generous funding to bring highly qualified instructors to Wyoming to train and strengthen the entire CCCSAR team. For three years, the AKC/CAR grant foundation has awarded funds which have been used to facilitate a water-recovery seminar, urban-interface seminar and all aspects of SAR dog training through an in-house trainer. These grants have greatly improved our ability to effectively respond to searches.
A special thank you to Biological Resource Center for generous donations of training materials. These gifts are instrumental in CCCSAR’s ability to give families closure when the lost are found during recovery missions.
CCCSAR in partnership with Laramie County Fire District #2, offers sincere thanks to the GFWC Women’s Civic League of Cheyenne. Through their generosity, a boat will be restored and then used by both organizations for water searches in Laramie County.
Taco John’s is an enthusiastic supporter of CCCSAR’s dedication to search and rescue missions. Their generosity has provided necessary training and equipment funds, and we look forward to partnering again in the future.
Thanks to Walmart and their generous grant which helped CCCSAR update their search technology. With this technology, we stand better prepared for search emergencies.
CCCSAR welcomes the support of Frontier Refining. With their generous contribution, CCCSAR will be able to bring a canine search and rescue trainer to our location to enhance the capabilities of the dogs and their handlers. Every new perspective on canine SAR adds to our ability to respond to searches in the most effective manner possible.
CCCSAR appreciates The Joannides Family Foundation/Halladay Motors’ generous donation to the 2014 Fundraising campaign. This will support needed equipment and training.
Halley & Murray, Certified Public Accountants
Feeling hungry by now? Chugwater Chili has donated a gift basket along with a cookbook from the Chugwater Ladies Aid. https://www.chugwaterchili.com
www.allwayzmfg.com-All Wild and Western has donated a large blue leather and “bling” purse perfect for a Wyoming look-
Our thanks to this Frontier Mall store for support CCCSAR’s Thankful Thursday!
Looking ahead, at the Thankful Thursday auction September 15th, there will be a FD Frontier 4-Pack (2017 admittance)! www.cfdrodeo.com
For that mystery in your life, be sure and bid on a dinner theater ticket from The Dinner Detective down in Denver. www.thedinnerdetective.com
Get ready for winter and bid on one of four $50. certificates for rotation and spin balance. At least you have a better chance on that incoming snow and ice! Thank you, Discount Tire!
That ultimate family vacation-4-day passes to Disneyland!
All the seasons are covered now-Home Depot in Cheyenne donated a BBQ for the Thankful Thursday auction. Many thanks for their generosity.
A variety of items from which to choose, donated by Cheyenne’s John Deere: a toy tractor with bale mover, shirts or a cap-Thank you, John Deere. www.4riversequipment.com/locations/cheyenne
Anything better than a round of golf for 2 and a golf cart at Little America? That gift certificate awaits you . littleamerica.com
Nirvana Pet Spa in Cheyenne is spoiling our pets! They have donated 4 gift certificates for pet spa, massage, and grooming. nirvanapetspa.com
Yum! Beautiful and deliciously filled basket donated by Olive Garden next to the mall in Cheyenne. Thank you!
With the price of cell phones, you know you need to protect yours! Otter Box has graciously donated a $90. gift certificate. www.otterbox.com On a personal note, I just ran over my Iphone with a lawn mower; the screen cracked, but the otterbox kept my phone safe.
Time to keep yourself safe hunting; Sabre donated four cans of bear spray with holsters for the Thankful Thursday auction. https://www.sabrered.com/bear–spray

How kind of artist Edward Aldrich to donate a framed print of “Silent Preador” in support of canine search and rescue! www.edwardaldrich.com
Rated in the top ten healthiest dog treats, Zukes is ready to supply your dog with a selection of treats. Zukes is located right over the border in Colorado; thanks for the interstate support, Zukes .https://www.zukes.com
Double thanks to local author, C.J. Box, although internationally known…there is now an autographed book and great “Off the Grid” hat to auction.www.cjbox.net
Colorado Avalanche sent an autographed game puck…autographed by McLeod-thanks for the support!
OMRON is not only into keeping you healthy through awareness, but is also into supporting search and rescue. Thank you for the great wrist blood pressure monitor for Thankful Thursday, OMRON! www.omron.com
Many thanks to author, Laura Coffey, for a beautiful and heartwarming book, My Old Dog. Her generosity of spirit shows through this recognition of our senior dogs, but also through her donation of a signed copy for Thankful Thursday. www.myolddogbook.com/?team=laura-t-coffey
Petplan Pet Insurance has always been there for our dogs. Now, they are there for Capital City Canine Search and Rescue and Thankful Thursday charity auction. They sent an amazing dog bed full of dog “treats-toys, bowl, leash, supplements, 4 months of Bark Box, a book (owner reading unless you have a Border Collie), water bottle with a great GSD pic…on and on!
Thank you, Petplan, for your incredible generosity! petplan insurance – goPetplan.com
Thank you, Natural Balance, for a lovely basket of dog goodies!natural balance. NaturalBalanceInc.com
From Billings, Montana, West Paw sent a lovely dog bed and 2 toys-keep your favorite pooch comfy and happy by bidding on these at Thankful Thursday, September 15th. www.westpawdesign.com
From Burri Jewelers a callout to all GSD and Beagle fans! Be ready to bid on lovely figurines of each breed with a “charming” surprise inside! Thank you, Burri Jewelers, for supporting the volunteers at CCCSAR. www.burrijewelers.com
As if she hasn’t given enough to keep CCCSAR going, Deb has donated some handmade items from Egypt-a lovely, large copper pot and amazingly delicate hand-blown perfume bottles. We can’t thank you enough, Deb.
Incredibly generous of Orvis to send a wonderful fleece lock wraparound bed. Any dog would love this! Thank you Orvis for
supporting canine search and rescue. Orvis.com

Thank you, Cheyenne Rib and Chop House, for donating a $50. gift card for the Thankful Thursday event. Some couple is going to have a great meal!
Kinkos Printing put together a true work of art for the auction…a 2’x3′ photo on canvas. Thank you for your time and effort-it really paid off in a beautiful piece.
http://www.coastalpet.com/ How generous of Coastal Pet to donate a box brimming with collars and dog equipment. So nice of them to donate these quality items supporting canine search and rescue! Please, return the support by purchasing their products. I buy great nail clippers made by Coastal Pet. They make short work of large bloodhound nails-excuse the pun.
More community support from Lennox Auto Glass and Detail Center on Pershing. Get an interior detailing with this gift certificate worth up to $180…depending on car size. It means so much to have the community show support for CCCSAR volunteers. Thank you, Lennox!
NAPA Auto Parts on Lincolnway donated an amazing dash cam for all those car lovers and technology folk out there. Thank you, NAPA, for your generous support for your local canine search and rescue group.
Thanks to the Bicycle Station there will be some lucky girl out there getting a refurbished girl’s “heartbreaker” 20″. What a way to help keep a youngster fit while supporting search and rescue. Thank you, Bicycle Station.
Nothing could be more perfect for this time of year in Wyoming than a handmade cribbage board with an elk. Thank you, Brian Johnson of Chugcreek Game Calls for all your craftsmanship in this Wyoming work of art.
Colour Graphics has been a big friend to CCCSAR once again. Not only do they print up our group tees, they donated these Wyoming sweatshirts for Thankful Thursday. When you need some artful work, be sure and contact them at http://colourgraphicscheyenne.com. You will love their helpful attitude and attention to detail.
Wyoming Work Warehouse just donated a pink camo hoodie is a polyester so it is water resistant. It is a size 2x but exchangeable in the store on Dell Range for a different size.
The boot and shoe scrubber would be handy come winter! Thank you, Wyoming Work Warehouse.
Thank you, Denver Center for the Performing Arts for two tickets to the performance of Frankenstein. CCCSAR truly appreciates the support of our neighbors to the south!
Donna and Viola’s Shirts etc. added a large donation to the “hook a hat” fishing pool. So many patriotic selections, so fitting for today. Thank you for the support of CCCSAR! Please, return the favor to these businesses who are so generous-www.facebook.com/pages/Donna-Violas-Shirts-Etc.
Horses near Encampment was painted by Wyoming artist, Lynn Newman. His generous nature allowed him to donate this work to the Thankful Thursday auction. Thank you, Lynn, for your kindness in giving of your hard work-not only creating this breathtaking piece of art, but matting and framing it also.
Thank you, Lupine, for the lovely selection of collars and leashes. They have a 100% guarantee, “even if chewed.” Check out more at www.lupinepet.com!
There are so many great people supporting CCCSAR, but a special thank you to the Thankful Thursday Sponsors:
Mr. B’s Heating and Cooling Hallady Motors High Country Motor Sports Alf’s Pub and Package Liquor Wyo Lotto
Sons of the American Legion Oak Tree Inn/Penny’s Diner Peppermill Am Vet Post 10 The D Las Vegas
Lennox Auto Body Cheyenne Beverage Garage Guys Learned Law Firm Top Dog Vending
Cheyenne Stitch Underwood Flowers Rieman Corp. Crown Royal Lynn Buys Houses Maverik
Town Square Media Blue Ridge Real Estate
A BIG thank you to Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation! We appreciate the generous grant that will be used to purchase some much needed equipment.