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Help the CCCSAR, Thank You!
Yes, we need and welcome your help!
Being a canine search and rescue volunteer is both rewarding and costly. A common estimate of the cost to achieve certification with a search dog is $2,000, and this does not include the normal costs of pet ownership such as food, veterinary care, and shelter for the dog. Once certification is achieved, the costs continue throughout the working life of the dog and begin anew when a puppy is started.
Handlers must outfit a 24-hour-pack, buy gas to travel to wilderness training sites, and pay travel, tuition, and room and board for out-of-state training opportunities. This is in addition to paying for training to achieve and maintain current certifications in CPR, first aid, wilderness survival, search techniques and management, and other handler requirements.
Although CCCSAR handlers are willing to pay out of their own pockets, some expenses are too high for individuals and are purchased through CCCSAR when possible, such as supplying each member with a GPS for use during training and while on searches. The GPS’s are checked out to members and are theirs to use as long as they are active members of CCCSAR.
We found during a search this summer that a zodiac would be a tremendous help. This will be a purchase by CCCSAR when funding is available.
In addition to training twice a week with fellow CCCSAR members, each handler tries very hard to get to at least one seminar in another location to update our knowledge and learn from experts in the canine SAR field. Given funding, it would be very helpful for CCCSAR to be able to provide at least a small stipend to help the handler defray tuition and material costs.
Your donation can help us with the equipment and knowledge we need to find the lost ones. You can be instrumental in helping us “so others may live.”
Click Here to Donate
Or Send your Donations to our Treasurer at
CCCSAR Treasurer
2329 Co. Rd. 220
Cheyenne, Wy 82009
If you have talents, time, or other things to volunteer, they are very welcome.
We are in constant need of new “victims” for the dogs to find. We practice in Cheyenne, Wheatland, Vedauwoo, Glendo, and many other places in Southeast Wyoming so there is a large selection of locations ranging from town to wilderness areas from which to choose. Children love to hide for the dogs, and they are very welcome to come along with a parent. Caution: when the dogs find you, they are ecstatic with their success. Be reminded that Bloodhounds may slobber on you in their joy!
Support technicians are those special individuals who volunteer their time and effort to accompany dogs and their handlers during a search. Their job is to use the radio, GPS, maps, and other equipment to support the rest of the team. While the handler is busy “reading” their dog, the support person is keeping track of their location, communicating with base camp, and watching for clues. Once a victim is found, the support person can be instrumental is providing first aid and helping to move the victim to where he can be picked up by medical personnel. To a far lesser degree than handlers, support personnel are required to participate in training and practice.
CCCSAR handlers are required to learn numerous search skills and lifesaving techniques that save lives on a search. Do you have expertise in wilderness survival, map and compass, GPS, CPR, wilderness first aid, search management, or another vital skill? We welcome you to share your knowledge with us.
We use video clips and photographs of the handlers and their dogs for numerous purposes. For example, we videotape the certification tests of the dogs to verify the testing procedure and success of the dog. We also record on video or photographs, aspects of searches and practices. Since the handlers are busy with their dogs, it is rare that we have someone to do the recording. Your time and effort in this task would be extremely helpful.
It is critical that the dogs learn to work in numerous different environments so they can focus on their job instead of on the new and exciting smells around them. Therefore, we try to practice in as many diverse and new areas as possible. If you have a ranch, farm, warehouse, or other large area where the dogs and handlers can practice, it would be very helpful. All the dogs are trained to leave wildlife and livestock alone while they are working. During the learning process, new dogs are kept on e-collars or on leashes until they can be trusted not to bother the “critters” in the search area.